Quiet Valley Quilt Guild’s Blocks for a Cause – Block of the Month
The Blocks for a Cause – Block of the Month program provides an opportunity for Quiet Valley Quilters Guild members to select a quilt pattern (block) and fabric to make a quilt that will go to our Quilt Cupboard. QVQG members are encouraged to make a block and return the block the following month. Becoming a Blocks for a Cause – Block of the Month Quilt Designer is an opportunity to get involved in creating a work of art for the Quiet Valley Quilt Guild’s Quilt Cupboard!

Our Current Block of the Month
This is a scrappy project we all can do.
Sew any twenty five 2 1/2” squares together to form a 5 row (5 squares in each row) block. Using a 1/4” seam allowance, your block should finish at 10 1/2” square. The scrappier the better.
This was inspired by a pattern that was posted on the Scrap Quilt Enthusiast Facebook page (screenshot attached). I’ll raid Wendy’s quilt cupboard stash for the material for the black/white block.
Bring your finished scrappy block to the June picnic. Please make 2 or 3 if you’d like!
Melinda and Theresa, QVQ Block of the Month Co-chairs
How to get involved as a coordinator for a month:
- Choose a quilt block pattern. Please select a pattern that makes a 10” to 12” block so that the finished quilt can be bed-sized.
- Select fabric for the block:
- Choose fabric from your own stash.
- Contact Wendy Sharkey to select fabric from the QVQG Quilt Cupboard stash.
- Purchase Fabric. If you purchase fabric or supplies for the BoM, you may submit the receipt to the QVQG Treasurer (currently Linda Toohey) for reimbursement up to $25.00.
- You could also provide a color for one piece of the block and QVQG members would provide the other colors out of their stash.
- Go completely scrappy! Provide the pattern and the QVQG members provide all the fabric.
- If you do not provide all fabrics needed for the BoM, then include some suggestions for color/print/style of fabric needed to complete the block.
- Make up 30 – 36 kits.
- The number of kits depends on size of completed block and the number of blocks needed to make a quilt.
- Include instructions and fabrics in a sealable bag.
- Number the kits sequentially to keep track of how many are distributed.
- We recycle sealable bags so let us know if you would like some to use for your kits.
- BoM kits are distributed at each QVQG monthly meeting. There is a sign-up sheet to record who picked up BoM kits so we can track them down if not returned.
- Completed blocks are returned at the next QVQG monthly meeting. The “Block Designer” can take the blocks home to complete the quilt top or give them to Wendy Sharkey, Quilt Cupboard Chairperson, who will store them up for a QVQG Quilt Cupboard workshop. During these workshops, Guild members work to finish up the quilts for distribution.
Let us know if you have questions or want to sign up to be a “Block Designer” for the Cause!
QVQG Block for a Cause – Block of the Month Co-Chairs
Theresa LePicier Melinda Brogden Contact: bom@quietvalleyquilters.com |