Workshops are held monthly, usually on a Saturday, with the exception of the months of September and December when there are no workshops. In recent months the Guild has offered workshops in Studio 180 techniques, machine quilting with templates, quilted clothing, and various methods for making scrap quilts. The workshop topics are varied so as to appeal to all levels of quilters. They are terrific fun! Lots of work getting done and lots of laughter! Upcoming workshop listings are in the Calendar section and include detailed information.
Please check back on our calendar page for changes in meeting status.
We will be updating this information regularly as we receive additional information. Some workshops may be held online only. If you click on any meeting, it will expand for full information for that particular event, including contact information to request to join the event.
Anyone can sign up for workshops by either method below:
1) In person at our monthy Guild meeting
2) Online by contacting the workshop coordinator at Workshops@quietvalleyquilters.com .
Payment can be made either by:
1) Mailing a check to the Guild Post Office Box at:
Quiet Valley Quilters Guild, PO Box 4082, Bennington, VT 05201
2) Or online by pressing the button below. A $2 processing fee for any online transaction must be added to the workshop fee.
2025 February Charity Quilt Workshop

A dozen members gathered at the Church to work on various charity quilt projects. We finished quilt tops that had been partially done by other quilter. We put blocks together, using matching fabric from our donation stash, and made quilt tops.
2023 November Fabulous Free Motion Quilting

Members gathered to learn how to free motion quilt, and how to combine various free motion quilting motifs into one fabulous quilt!
2022 July - Making Quilt Cupboard Quilts

Members gathered to make quilts for the Quilt Cupboard. We had 10 people pressing the pedal to the metal!
2020 March - WInding Ways Quilts

This class was a huge favorite expertly taught by Judy Smith from our guild.
2020 February - Making Rope Bowls

Theresa LePicier from our guild teaches us how to make rope bowls from cotton clothesline.
2020 January - Quilt Cupboard Quilting for Charity Quilts
These pictures from this workshop all appear in the Charity Projects page.
2019 December - Pot Luck Dinner and Teddy Bear Quilts
These pictures from this workshop all appear in the Charity Projects page.
2019 November Workshop - The Quilted Hugs Project

This month’s workshop was a charity sewing gathering – Melinda Brogden organized this workshop to sew Quilted Hugs. She has been working with Kim Curtis who designed these and started this project.
Kim drove up from Bernardston, MA just to join us for our Saturday workshop and then returned when we presented our Quilted Hugs to the Southern Vermont Cancer Center.
Link to Kim’s Facebook page is here: